Texas Nursing Home Costs Increase 9%

The Health and Human Services Commission recently completed their annual determination of the average cost of nursing home care in Texas. The new daily rate they found is $142.92 while the previous daily rate was $130.88. This is an increase of over 9% in one year.

For one year, the average cost of a nursing home in Texas now exceeds $52,000. How long can your family afford to keep up at that rate? It is more important than ever to review your situation with an experienced Texas Medicaid attorney that can help you pay for the nursing home without going broke. Not taking advantage of this opportunity can cost you $52,000 or more, every year.

For married couples it is critical to protect your assets before you write too many of those large checks to the nursing home because once the money is gone it can’t be brought back. I can’t stress enough how important it is to maintaining your standard of living that you speak with an experienced Medicaid attorney when your spouse needs nursing home care. With the proper advice and representation you can protect a lot more than you might think, but you have to take that first step and contact us or call us at 832-592-7913. Do nothing and you may very well be impoverishing yourself while enriching the nursing home.

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