We Believe You Should Keep Your Life Savings…

As a Medicaid lawyer for over 20 years I’ve seen it all. Since every family is unique, the solutions I create for you need to reflect that.
It isn’t enough just to get Medicaid after you have already lost your life savings. We want you to get Medicaid before you lose your life savings, keep your hard fought benefits, and then avoid the Estate Recovery clawback down the road. And we do it all in one complete service.
Here is what you can expect from us:
That is what we can do for you. One complete solution for protecting your life savings, getting Medicaid, keeping Medicaid, and then avoiding Medicaid Estate Recovery.
What about Distance?
We would love it if everyone we worked with was located right next door to us and could personally visit but unfortunately Texas is a big state and even people far away deserve the opportunity to protect their life savings. We do work with families throughout the entire state of Texas and those families get the same tremendous results as the families right next door. Through advances in technology we are able to bridge the gap that not being in the same room creates.