The Medicaid Nursing Homes in Houston List

When you’re looking for a Medicaid nursing home in Houston you have options. That is something lacking from neighboring towns we’ve looked at. To begin, click on the link below. It will take you to an updated list of the facilities that do accept Texas Medicaid. This list is not an endorsement of any single facility, in fact some of them have some serious issues.

Updated June 2018

Text Version

After you have found a nursing home, what do you do next? You meet with an experienced nursing home attorney. Your attorney will review any asset protection options while finding ways to pay for that new big expense.

Married Nursing Home Residents

For a married nursing home resident the next step is critical. When married, it is even more important that an experienced Medicaid attorney is involved before the person is admitted into the nursing home. This is because there is a Medicaid asset snapshot during the admission process, but nobody tells you about it.

The Medicaid Solution Is Not Automatic

The Medicaid program is here to help your family pay for the care your loved one needs and I can help you navigate that maze successfully. If you make a mistake when it comes to Medicaid eligibility the most common result is one or more months of unpaid nursing home bills which can create a bad situation. And if you make a big mistake with a transaction that results in a penalty the cost could be years, not months. Don’t let that happen to your family.

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